3 Enersolve for an Italian cosmetics company

3 Enersolve for an Italian cosmetics company


The customer is a company in the cosmetics sector, one of the most important in Italy, specialising in Professional Hair & Skin Care.



The customer company has always stood out for its commitment to sustainability and, given its strong desire to reduce the energy consumption of its production units, it set about finding a suitable technological solution.



After an analysis of the technological solutions available on the market, the company’s choice was to adopt Ortea’s Enersolve solution.

In 2020, it installed an Enersolve ESL-10E in one of its three production units. This intelligent energy efficiency system, with a rated power of 500kVA, has optimised energy consumption, reducing waste and minimising the environmental impact of operations.

Satisfied with the results, the client company subsequently extended the adoption of Enersolve to its other two sites, installing a 400kVA ESL-10E and a 350kVA ESL-10E, with a range of advanced protections – including surge protections and an electronic automatic bypass system.